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24-Hour ECG: Your Window into Cardiac Wellness – Exploring the What, Why, and How

At Fusion Healthcare we now offer Ecg monitoring available within 24 hours of your request. This is a method which involves continuously recording an electrocardiogram to highlight any abnormalities.
ECG monitoring has many benefits and is capable of detecting abnormalities of the heart’s rhythm and activity. The process is easy and non-invasive and will require two visits to our clinic. In the initial visit, electrodes with attached wires will be stuck to the chest, these wires will lead to a small portable recorder which can be worn around the waist. The entire process only takes a few minutes, during which all electrical activity will be recorded.

What can an ECG detect?

ECG monitoring is considered valuable in identifying any abnormalities of the heart. There are numerous conditions and abnormalities ECG monitoring may identify or indicate:
  • Arrythmia (abnormal heart beat)
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Heart attacks
  • Cardiomyopathy (enlarged heart walls)

How do I know if I need a heart health check?

Having an electrocardiogram is valuable for many reasons. You may have been having chest pains, be suffering from shortness of breath, be worried about a genetic heart condition, may have been referred for an echocardiogram by your doctor.
Some signs and symptoms that warrant a heart health check include:
  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Rapid pulse
  • Fatigue
  • Decline in ability to exercise
  • Dizziness/light-headedness
  • Confusion
  • Heart palpitations
  • Family history of heart disease
  • Taking medication that is known to affect the heart
If you are worried about any new of recurrent symptoms, then an ECG may be the key to identifying any underlying issues or abnormalities.
Additionally, a series of ECGs can be taken over time to monitor an existing heart condition, or to monitor heart health if you are taking medication known to affect the heart.
If you are worried about your heart health, or about any symptoms you may be exhibiting, it is important to address these concerns in a timely manner. At Fusion Healthcare, we aim to address any ECG monitoring requests within 24 hours of the request, so that you can receive the care you need in a timely fashion. Prompt monitoring could allow you to proceed in your heart health journey without delay.

How does it work?

The entire process is easy and requires minimal preparation from the patient. Patients should wear clothing that can be taken off or opened to expose the chest. No other preparation is required and your may carry all your normal activities beforehand. Please eat and drink normally before the ECG.
One of our specially trained Fusion Healthcare professionals will attach the electrodes to the skin of the chest with an adhesive gel to hold them in place and ensure accurate readings. If there is hair in the area, it may need to be shaved before securing the electrodes. Metal in the electrodes picks up the heart’s activity as electrical signals. The electrodes then transmit the signals to the monitor, which records them the entire time you are connected to the monitor. Electrodes can loosen or fall off, and it is essential to reattach them.
The process is quick, safe, and non-invasive, and will provide valuable information on your heart’s health and activity. This test may be used for patients of any age.

Are there any risks?

There are no risks associated with ECG monitoring, it is a completely safe method for monitoring cardiac activity.
Some patients may have a reaction to the adhesive gel used to stick the sensors to the skin, this is completely harmless and should clear up in a couple of days.
Our ECG monitoring is conducted under controlled conditions and our Fusion Healthcare professionals will do their best to ensure an accurate reading is obtained to aid you on your heart health pathway.
ECG monitoring is very valuable for those who are already exhibiting symptoms they’re worried about, or for those who just want more information about their heart activity and health. There are many conditions that can be identified from an ECG, and many symptoms that warrant ECG monitoring, so don’t delay if you are worried.
At Fusion Healthcare, we aim to honour any ECG monitoring requests within 24 hours, so contact us to book or if you have any questions.