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Menopause Hormones Profile

At Fusion Healthcare, we offer a private menopause blood test profile aimed at assessing hormones related to reproduction and menopause. This Menopause blood test can provide you with a menopause diagnosis and can rule out any other problems that may be mimicking menopause.
Menopause marks a significant transition in a woman’s life, signalling the end of her reproductive years. While it is a natural process, the physical and emotional changes accompanying menopause can sometimes be challenging. If you are experiencing symptoms like irregular periods, hot flashes, or mood swings, menopause blood tests can provide clarity and confirm if you are transitioning into this phase of life. This profile also helps with hormone replacement therapy monitoring, and with providing information related to any period problems or other hormone related issues.
Menopause is when your periods stop due to lower hormone levels. Menopause usually effects women between the ages of 45 and 55, but it can happen earlier. Menopause can happen naturally, or for reasons such as surgery to remove the ovaries or the uterus, cancer treatments, or a genetic reason. Perimenopause is when you have symptoms of menopause but are still getting periods. Perimenopause ends and you reach menopause when you have not had a period for 12 months. Menopause and perimenopause can cause a variety of symptoms including: anxiety, mood swings, brain fog, hot flushes, and irregular periods.

Price: £175.00

Why Consider a Blood Test for Menopause?

Determining if you are approaching or have reached menopause isn’t always straightforward. Many symptoms of menopause overlap with other conditions, such as thyroid issues or vitamin deficiencies. Our private menopause blood test can help to:
Confirm Menopause Status: By measuring hormone levels, the test can provide evidence that menopause is or isn’t occurring.
Rule Out Other Conditions: Symptoms like fatigue and mood swings may result from issues unrelated to menopause.
Guide Treatment Options: Understanding your hormonal changes can help your healthcare provider recommend appropriate therapies or lifestyle changes.

Key Hormones Tested

Menopause blood tests typically focus on a few key hormones that fluctuate significantly during this time:
Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH):
FSH levels increase as the ovaries produce fewer eggs and less oestrogen. High FSH levels (typically above 30 mIU/mL) are often a strong indicator of menopause.
Oestrogen (Oestradiol):
Oestrogen levels drop as the ovaries slow down their hormone production. Low levels of oestradiol are another hallmark of menopause.
Luteinizing Hormone (LH):
LH works with FSH to regulate the menstrual cycle. Its levels also increase during menopause.
Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH):
Since thyroid problems can mimic menopause symptoms, doctors may check TSH levels to ensure symptoms aren’t caused by a thyroid disorder.
Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) (optional): additional charge involves 
AMH is used less frequently but can help assess ovarian reserve, giving insight into how close you might be to menopause.

If you’re experiencing symptoms that may indicate menopause, such as irregular periods, sleep disturbances, or mood changes, it’s worth having a menopause blood test performed so you can know more about your health and appropriate next steps. A menopause blood test requires little preparation, however, you may be advised to stop taking hormone replacement therapy or birth control tablets, as these can affect hormone levels.

After diagnosis

If your blood test confirms menopause, it’s an opportunity to focus on your health and well-being. This life stage may increase the risk of certain conditions, like osteoporosis and heart disease, due to declining oestrogen levels. At Fusion Healthcare, we have a private in-house doctor with whom you can arrange a consultation if you would like to discuss your results or any concerns further.
  • Get plenty of rest, including keeping to regular sleep routines
  • eat a healthy diet
  • have calcium-rich food like milk, yoghurt and kale to keep bones healthy
  • exercise regularly, try including weight-bearing activities where your feet and legs support your weight like walking, running or dancing
  • do relaxing things like yoga, tai chi or meditation
  • talk to other people going through the same thing, like family, friends or colleagues
  • talk to a doctor before taking herbal supplements or complementary medicines
The NHS recommends some lifestyle changes to help when going through menopause. These include:Additionally, during this time, it is recommended to stop smoking and to limit alcohol intake.

Menopause is a natural phase of life, but it doesn’t have to be a mystery. This private menopause blood test can provide a concrete diagnosis as well as valuable insights into your hormonal health and help you navigate this transition with confidence. If you’re experiencing symptoms and are unsure of their cause, or want further information, do not hesitate to call us.