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Doctor Appointment - Thursday: 4:00PM - 6:00PM

Private GP Services

Private Doctor Immediate appointment available

At Fusion Healthcare, we offer quick and easy access to private GP services to provide quality private medical care in Luton. Our highly experienced GMC registered NHS bilingual clinicians are here to help you with your medical problems and concerns. Whether you are concerned about a new problem or a long-term one, we are here to help. 

We have a range of flexible appointment times available for patients to book a private consultation with our in-house doctors. Our private doctors will provide detailed, high-quality consultations and a written report that can be taken to your registered GP practice should you wish. We provide access to quality diagnostics and referrals to aid your treatment journey.

Our doctors may advise further investigation or treatment options for which we have a range of quick and affordable services available to further assess and aid your health. 

Our other available services include: 

Consultation fee : £60.00

To book a private consultation with our doctors, or to book any other Fusion Healthcare services, please contact us:

Phone Number: 01582 249449 / 07763875191
Email: info@fusionhealthcare.co.uk