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Doctor Appointment - Thursday: 4:00PM - 6:00PM

Well Person Blood Test

This blood test is especially beneficial as it covers a wide range of factors
essential to the regulation of our health, and provides a good overview of your
general wellbeing.

Blood price £ 160.00

For more information feel free to contact us.

Well Person Blood Test

At Fusion healthcare we offer a wellness blood test that provides information
on factors relevant to your general health and well-being.
If you have symptoms that you’re worried about, a simple blood test can help
to determine whether or not there may be a cause for concern. It can help
clinicians in making a diagnosis, and thus treating you more effectively.

The Well Person Blood Test is an enhanced version of our  Full Blood Count
Blood Chemistry test, which adds Thyroid function tests and Ferritin testing on top of the standard package of tests found in DL2.

The Full Blood Count & Blood Chemistry looks for markers of individual
conditions, as well as giving a helpful indication of your overall health. This test
comprises over 30 checks, including liver and kidney function, sugar levels,
cholesterol, blood count, and inflammatory markers.

This blood test covers:

  • Full Blood Count
  • Thyroid (FT 4/TSH)
  • Vitamin D & B12
  • Liver function (Bilirubin, Gamma GT, Total Protein, Albumin, Globulin)
  • Urea, Electrolytes (Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Creatinine)
  • Iron (Ferritin)
  • Conditions associated with inflammation (ESR)

The Blood Test is analyzed by The Doctors Laboratory and the result will be sent to you within two days.

Call Now for Booking

Please call on 01582 249449 to book an appointment.